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--- Dec 19 2012 Go to category
Subject: How do you view yourself as a musician?
Category: General Questions
From: Bob Tiemann (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

Hey Pat I’m Bob a 19 year old aspiring musician/guitairst from Pennsylvania. Just wanted to say I forgot how i discovered your music but it’s been a journey. I saw you in july this year in Bethlehem with your new quartet. The Vibe that came off the stage was unbelievable. Energy upon energy .I’ve never felt anything like it so thank you pat for the continued inspiration. Ok so here’s the question i know what i think of you as a musician and the jazz world but how do view yourself s a musician in terms of accomplishment what not. Also if you any insight if any at all about how this has progressed Thanks Pat ! Bob

Pat’s Answer:

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the note. It is pretty simple for me; I just keep trying to get closer to music. Being around Chris, Ben and Antonio this past year was one of the most inspiring periods of my life - I think that is just about the best band I have ever been a part of. For me, whenever I can be around musicians who are really committed to music and have a kind of dedication that is complete - that is where I want to be. My goal is to try to learn more and improve and hopefully offer the best I can to the other musicians around me. Good luck!