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SUBJECT: How to sign up for the newsletter? Back to Subjects
Mar 21 2024
at 1:16 AM
I was wondering how exactly I’m supposed to sign up for the Metheny newsletter. I clicked "Sign up now!" on the "SIGN UP FOR THE PAT METHENY NEWSLETTER" tab of the home page, but all it does it just bring me to the "Create An Account" page where it says "Your are already logged in as javelin22." Is there another place I can sign up for the newsletter?
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May 15 2024
at 1:47 PM
Bookmark and Share Try clicking on ACCOUNT and check to see if all your information is correct. Also make sure you checked the Newsletter box. If that doesn’t work, I don’t know what else you can do. The only pattern to the Newsletters is they come on when something is happening (new record, tour info, etc.). Have you been active at the American Garage? There may be an email for the Webmaster at CONTACT US.
May 14 2024
at 8:24 PM
Bookmark and Share I haven’t received a newsletter since the release of "From This Place."I’ve had this account for years.
Mar 21 2024
at 10:05 AM
Bookmark and Share javelin22 : I assume that you recently joined the American Garage in 2023 (October?). The MoonDial Newsletter I received yesterday might be the first since you signed up. Did you receive it?
Mar 21 2024
at 8:23 AM
Bookmark and Share You should be getting a Newsletter this week regarding the new Pat record MoonDial. The Newsletter only come out when there is some type of activity, like a new record, additional tour updates, etc.
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